3 Reasons to Choose the Marian University ABSN Program

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his is a guest blog post written by Teresa E. Lewis. Teresa is a graduate of Marian University's ABSN program.

Here are three reasons why I chose the accelerated nursing program at Marian University in Indianapolis:

  1. It's Quick - The 16-month time frame was the biggest draw for me. I did extensive research into the program, prior to my start, just to ensure I would really receive a bachelor’s degree after completion. Many accelerated programs only provided an associate’s degree, so I wanted to make sure I was embarking on a journey towards a true bachelor's degree.
  2. It Fits into my Schedule - The accelerated nursing program provided me, an adult learner, with the opportunity to organize my thoughts, my time and my day. Although the courses were rigorous and required that I diligently exercise self-motivation, self-discipline and time management, I was still able to pace myself and plan out my daily studies. Essentially, I was able to fit the program well into my personal and family responsibilities.
  3. The Staff - The staff and faculty are awesome. Marian University has always endeavored to provide its students a quality educational experience with superior faculty as well as outstanding equipment and learning environment. And, I am proud to say, the ABSN program is no exception. I can honestly and happily say that all of my instructors were experts in their fields of study. They were phenomenal in sharing their wisdom and experiences. Subsequently, I was able to glean from them the knowledge I needed to perform well as a student nurse and substantiate that knowledge by passing the NCLEX!

Are you interested in turning your previous bachelor's degree into a BSN in as little as 16 months? Contact us today to talk to an academic adviser.