How Marian's ABSN is Preparing Me to Succeed as a Nurse
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This is a guest blog post written by Jeff Wendling, a student in Marian’s Indianapolis accelerated nursing program.
I am proud to be Marian University student! Not only is Marian University accomplishing great things like starting a new medical school, being ranked 30th in “America’s Best Regional Colleges” (U.S. News & World Report), and even winning the NAIA National Championship in football, it's also building one of most respected accelerated nursing programs in the state through its affiliation with St.Vincent Health.
Here are just three ways Marian is preparing me for a successful career as a nurse:
1. Online didactic courses. I feel that Marian’s didactic courses effectively teach the student the physiological and psychological response to human illness, as it relates to the patient and their families. Furthermore, Marian’s ABSN program couples this “evidenced-based” knowledge with the nurse’s doctrine of being the “patient’s advocate.” These two key aspects of Marian’s didactic courses will make me a better prepared nurse.
Also, I love the online format; particularly, I love the autonomy of listening to lectures whenever I want. I also feel that the nursing management team led by Beth Rabideau truly demonstrates the skills to effectively teach their students while positively managing the changes of a growing program. Overall, I know that the nurse educators are dedicated to the success of each student.
2. Skills lab instruction. The strength of Marian’s skills lab is centered on the belief that the student needs to be prepared to enter the hospital for clinicals. Basic assessment skills are taught, demonstrated, and practiced in the skills lab. Because of the opportunity I had to practice my patient assessment skills in a teaching laboratory, I felt confident the first time I applied these skills to assess the health of my very first patient in the hospital.
3. Clinicals. Effective clinical experience with patients is critical when preparing a student for a career in nursing. Marian’s clinical instructors apply the same Franciscan values of dignity to the individual when teaching their students that the students are taught when caring for patients. Each student is encouraged, challenged, and celebrated throughout the clinical learning process.
I enjoy the respect that Marian students have earned in the hospitals. Most nurse managers in hospitals respect that the Marian ABSN student is at a more mature place in their life than younger nurse graduates. Also, these same managers know that the past professional experiences of the Marian ABSN student will serve their departments well by offering diversity of knowledge along with a strong nursing educational background.

Like any educational program, learning is ultimately the task of the student. However, Marian’s ABSN program offers the student every opportunity to be exposed to the experiences they will need to become a successful nurse. Although nothing can replace the knowledge gained by experience, the scientific information I have learned in this program allows me to understand the patient’s conditions; therefore, I can quickly understand the rational for the care needed by the patient. I truly feel confident that I am on a fast track to becoming a highly effective nurse!