Advice from ABSN Students and Alumni, Part 1: The Career Change Transition
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On May 4, Marian University for St.Vincent Health hosted an Open House for our Indianapolis accelerated nursing program. The highlight was a panel of current students and alumni who took questions from the audience on the accelerated BSN program and the realities of being a nurse. Over the next few weeks, we’ll share answers from the panel. To make sure you don’t miss a post, subscribe to the blog or follow us on Facebook.

Q: What did you find the most challenging as you transitioned back to college?
A: Ricky, class of May 2014: It’s been 20 years since I earned my bachelor’s degree and 15 since I earned my master’s degree. As a lifelong learner, this will be my third career. For me, the hardest part was the thought of online study. I wasn’t sure if I could adjust. I decided to take an online nursing pre-requisite from Marian as a means to see how I would do. It definitely gave me the confidence to move forward. I received a lot of support from my study groups and my instructors.
A: Tonya, class of May 2013: For me, it was transitioning my family to the fact that mom was a full-time student. That meant setting up calendars that included study time and a quiet place to do it. Unlike the gentleman who studies at night when everyone goes to bed, I study during the day. You have to have strong time management skills, discipline and determination to be in this program. You will figure out a routine that works best for your individual situation.
Q: How do you adjust to the actual clinical aspect (sights, smells, etc.)? Were you ever scared?
A: Michelle, class of August 2013: I remember my first day of clinical rotations in the hospital. I was scared to death. When it came time to go in and meet my first patient, I thought I would pass out. I wondered, “Am I really capable of this?” My instructor was right there with me and assured me my apprehension was typical. She told me this first step was to connect as people, not to go in and save a life. I could do that. She asked if I wanted her to go in with me, and I said yes. Together we met the patient, and I was reminded how it all starts with compassion. The technical aspects will come.
For more on the program, contact our admissions team or call 866.892.6463.