How to Set SMART Goals for Nursing School

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If you're thinking of returning to school to become a nurse, fantastic! If you're thinking of attending our accelerated nursing program in Indianapolis, even better! With returning to school to become a nurse comes the need to set many short-term and long-term goals for yourself. In order to achieve your educational and professional dreams, it's important to make sure you set appropriate goals. Nursing school is no easy feat, so setting your goals accordingly can make all the difference.

You've probably heard of SMART goals. SMART stands for "specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely." To best achieve your nursing aspirations, set goals that fit the SMART criteria.

  • Specific: When outlining your nursing school goals, be specific. Don't simply say, "I want to study this week." Instead say, "I want to study Human Nutrition for six hours at the library this week." Being specific brings your goal to life, helping you visualize how to best achieve it.
  • Measurable: Keeping your goals measurable helps you determine how far you've come and how far you need to go. Always assign a benchmark to your goals. For example, setting a goal of achieving a 92 or higher on an exam is far more measurable than simply setting a goal of doing well on an exam.
  • Attainable: Attainable doesn't mean easy; it simply means possible. You want your goals to be within your reach but not below a level that you feel you can perform. Challenge yourself continually, but don't be extreme. An unattainable goal isn't helpful when in a challenging nursing program.
  • Relevant: Relevant simply means that you should spend your time working on things that are in line with your end goal - becoming a nurse. Don't get caught up in the little stresses of nursing school. Make sure each goal you set helps you get closer to becoming a nurse.
  • Timely: A target date to shoot for is important for all goals, especially when completing online classes. Each time you set a goal, make a deadline and hold yourself to it. This will help you keep  yourself organized and on track. Keeping a calendar in your study space is a good way to track all of your short-term and long-term goals.

Ready to set your goals and become a nurse? Call us at 866.892.6463 or contact us to get started.