What To Do If You've Been Wait Listed in Indiana or Illinois
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Making the decision to go back to school to become a nurse is not always an easy one. Change is hard. As humans, we are typically creatures of habit, so changing career paths and changing lifestyles to go to nursing school in Indianapolis is not going to be easy. When you've made that decision to become a nurse, found a school you like, and find out you’re accepted into the nursing school of your choosing only to then hear that you've been wait listed, it’s easy to become discouraged and give up on your dream.

Know that you’re not alone in your frustration. There are a lot of other nursing students out there who have gone and are going through the same situation. Some with positive outcomes and others that waited a long time.
Don’t give up so easily. If you've been wait listed in Indiana or Illinois, here are some things you can do.
Understand What Your Nursing School's Wait List Means
To be wait listed means that you’re application has been put on hold. It can mean a variety of things has happened, but most commonly means that the school has accepted more applications than has available openings.
There are two main reasons why a school might have a wait list at all: either they are a highly sought-after, credible institution or they have over advertised their program. A wait list doesn't always automatically mean you've found a quality program and vice versa. You should pay attention to the program’s accreditation, NCLEX pass rate, and how rigorous the curriculum is.
What to do If You’re on Your Nursing School’s Wait List
There are several things you can do if you've been wait listed. You can choose to wait. If you go that route, you should find out where you fall on the list. Then research the school’s history with wait lists and find out what percentage of wait listed students actually got in. If you’re higher on the list for a school that typically admits a decent percentage of the wait list, your chances of getting in are greater and it might be worth the gamble.
If you've decided to wait, you don’t have to wait in silence. It’s a great idea to write a letter to the admissions office restating your interest in the program. Just like formally following up on a job interview, keep your name in front of them will show them how much you want to be in their nursing program.
You should also continue as far as you can in the admissions process. If you do get in from the wait list, you probably won’t find out until a few weeks before the programs starts. So if there are any prerequisites you’re finishing up or entrance exams you need to take, keep going until you've heard a definitive answer either way. If the answer is “no”, you’ll still need these to be a qualified candidate for the next start date.
Many students can’t afford to wait. If you’re working full time and have a family, gambling your career like this is really an option. In your situation, you need to be able to plan ahead and know what’s going to happen in the coming months and years. Fortunately for students like you, there is another option.
Apply to another Nursing School
There are many accredited nursing schools in Indiana without a wait list. Marian University’s 16 month accelerated nursing program in Indianapolis has three starts in January, May, and August. It is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CNNE) and turns out successful nurses year after year. Marian’s second degree nursing program can be a great alternative for those students who have been wait listed elsewhere.
If you’re ready to enroll in an accredited, accelerated nursing program now, talk to one of our advisors today.