How to Study in Nursing School: 8 Tips

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Wondering how to study in nursing school? There are many effective study techniques for nursing students. Among the top tips are to practice good time management, stick to a regular study schedule, create a designated study space and use outside resources to supplement your class materials.

nurse using laptop

Keeping up with an accelerated nursing program can be intense, especially if you’re balancing family and your personal life. You’ll need to put in some serious study hours to stay on top of your coursework while making time for clinical rotations and your other responsibilities. As you progress through Marian University’s Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) program, it will be helpful to know not only what to study, but how to study in nursing school effectively.

There are many nursing school study tips that you may find useful. Keep in mind, however, that what works for someone else might not work for you and vice versa. Try a range of different study tips to figure out what’s helpful for you. Below, we will explore some of the top tips for studying in a nursing program.

1. Develop a Study Schedule

It’s essential to set aside structured study time each day and to make studying a priority. Depending on your schedule and study preferences, the time of day you chose to study may vary, but the important part is that you make a schedule and stick to it.

Once you have established a schedule that works for you, get your family and friends on board. Let them know when you’ll be working and ask them to refrain from interrupting or distracting you during that time. Finally, unplug from the distractions of social media. This may mean logging out of Facebook or Pinterest for the period you’ve set aside to study, or maybe even leaving your phone in another room.

nurse writing in notebook

Learn how to plan for success with these SMART goals for nursing students.

2. Focus on Strong Time Management

Effective study techniques for nursing students are those that allow you to use your time wisely. In other words, setting aside time to study isn’t enough by itself; you also need to make the most of the time available to you.

Head into each study session already knowing which topics you’re going to review. This is particularly important for people who feel overwhelmed thinking about all the material they have to cover and find it difficult to get started as a result.

It’s also ideal to stay focused on just one or two topics per study session rather than trying to review a bunch of different nursing concepts. You may find that you retain the information better by maintaining a laser focus.

If your study session will last longer than a half hour, it’s wise to schedule one or two short breaks. Be sure that these breaks stay short — about five minutes or so. Resist the urge to start doing a different activity until your study session is over.

Marian University nursing students in room studying at desk

3. Keep the Big Picture in Mind

When you study, you will need to memorize facts and material, but it's even more important to have a strong understanding of key nursing concepts and the relationships between them. Being able to see the whole picture and how processes work and relate to one another is key, so that you can apply your knowledge in real patient-care scenarios.

You will soon discover that everything relates – even across classes and semesters. Each lesson sets the foundation for the next set of material. As you get better at how to study in nursing school, remember that learning doesn’t take place in a vacuum. If you struggle with a concept or have trouble figuring out how it relates to a patient-care scenario, don’t hesitate to reach out to your instructor for extra help.

4. Take Advantage of Short Study Sessions

Some excellent study tips for nursing students include taking advantage of short bursts of time whenever they arise. Long and uninterrupted study sessions are sometimes necessary to master material, but putting in five minutes here and there can really add up over the course of a week. In fact, repetition is key for information retention. Make the most of your precious time by using the short breaks of time throughout the day to your advantage.

Whether you’re in line at the grocery store or waiting in the pick-up line at your child’s school, here are a few tips to prepare yourself for studying during breaks in your busy schedule.

  • Flashcards – Make flashcards of important vocabulary or concepts to keep in your car or purse.
  • Textbooks – Keep your textbooks accessible for reading. Many texts are available for download onto your mobile devices, so your books will never be out of reach.
  • Talk it out – Sometimes the best way to learn something is by teaching it. Talk through tricky concepts out loud to yourself in the car or get a helpful friend to lend an ear.

5. Study Tips for Nursing Students on the Go

Marian nursing student standing outside holding textbooks

Nursing students are constantly on the go, so make the most of your commute. Multitasking is a great way to study, but safety is key, so use these tips wisely while on the road.

  • Audio textbooks – If you drive to school for labs, consider downloading your textbooks in audio form. Just remember that staying safe on the road is your top priority.
  • Carpool with friends – Not only is this an eco-friendly option, but it’s also a great way to maximize your study time. Grab some friends from your nursing program and quiz each other along the way.
  • Take the bus or rideshare – It might be an added expense, but if you’re pressed for study time, it could be worth it to knock out a solid study session during your commute.

6. Find the Perfect Study Space

One of the biggest challenges of implementing study techniques for nursing students is creating a space where you can work effectively without interruptions or distractions. Creating a space that is devoted to your study time can be a great way to focus and mentally prepare for learning and retaining information.

Whether it’s an entire home office or a corner of your living room, make sure your study space is comfortable, quiet and has good lighting. You’ll want to make sure that you have all your necessary study supplies neatly organized for use as needed. Finally, make your learning environment fun and inspirational by adding personal touches like pictures or quotes that will keep you focused on your ultimate goal of becoming a nurse.

If you live in a busy, noisy household, it may also be helpful to find places nearby to study. This might be a quiet local coffee shop, library or park. If you’re studying away from home, remember to bring everything you need like study materials, headphones and a beverage.

7. Skim the Material First

Unless you have a photographic memory, it’s not reasonable to expect that you’ll retain all the information the first time you read through material. Instead, try the skimming technique. This nursing school study tip involves skimming through the material quickly. Pay particular attention to headings, terms and any end-of-chapter summaries and questions, if available.

marian student studying

Next, reread the chapter more carefully, keeping in mind the main terms, summaries and questions. Take notes and pause to reflect upon the material, jotting down any questions that arise. Adding extra detail to your initial impression of a chapter can help you absorb and retain each concept.

8. Supplement Class Materials With Outside Resources

Your nursing school curriculum will provide you with everything you need to pass nursing school and do well on the NCLEX-RN®. However, it’s also helpful to supplement your class materials with external resources.

A quick Google search will point you in the direction of countless nursing school and NCLEX study guides, tutorials, glossaries, explainer videos, flashcards and more. Some of these resources are paid, while many others are free. Choose a few that appeal to you and use them to enhance your understanding of the material.

Still wondering how to get through nursing school successfully? Explore some helpful strategies here!

Nurses in class writing in notebooks

Ready to Successfully Complete Nursing School?

Marian University’s Accelerated BSN degree program is a big commitment, but with these nursing school study tips you’ll be able to stay on top of your coursework and succeed at your goal of becoming a nurse. While the pace is hectic, it’s possible to finish our ABSN program in as few as 16 months. You’ll also have the one-on-one support of Academic Success Coaches throughout the entire program whom you can rely on for personalized guidance and study tips.

When you’re ready to achieve your dream of becoming a nurse, Marian University is here to make it a reality. Fill out the contact form to speak with one of our friendly admission advisors and find out if our ABSN program is the right fit for you.