Will your first degree help you in nursing school?
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We are proud to say that students of all backgrounds have enrolled and succeeded in Marian University's accelerated nursing program. If you're considering getting a second bachelor's degree and becoming a nurse, you may be wondering if your first bachelor's degree will translate into nursing.
The truth is, those driven to be nurses will do well in our program regardless of what they studied before nursing. But, there are a few first degrees that stand out when we look at those who enroll and excel in the accelerated nursing program.
Health Sciences & Biology
Those students who studied health sciences or biology are usually prepared for what to expect in our program. With a strong background in science, these students find that the transition to studying nursing is not a huge leap from their first undergraduate experience.
It may come as no surprise that many students interested in pursuing a bachelor's degree in nursing majored in psychology when they first went to college. Nursing is as much about knowing the mind as it is about knowing the body. Nurses deal with changing moods and diverse behaviors daily as they lead their patients through emotionally trying times.
Unexpected? We don't think so. The same analytical minds that make good business people can also make good nurses! Nursing gives former business majors the chance to use their creativity and drive to help others. Business majors have usually spent a lot of time studying organization and leadership, which will come in handy in nursing school and on the job after graduation.
Many who have majored in education become interested in nursing. The drive to nurture and care for others makes students successful in both fields. Furthermore, much of nursing is about educating a patient or their family and explaining complicated subject matter in a way that's easy to process and understand.
These are just a few of the many undergraduate degrees we encounter when advising future nurses. Nursing is a complex job and a multitude of backgrounds lend themselves to the profession. Do you want to earn a bachelor's degree in nursing? Contact us today!